John Wong's Institute of Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM)
Technician: John Wong
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John Wong's Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM)John Wong's Notice to the World: How to predict Earth's great natural disaster or war?

John Wong created a set of formulae of `Jwo' to detect earth's great natural disaster, like earthquake, tsunami, volcano eruption, or war in a certain year.

There are five formulae in the family of `Jwo', namely `Jwo', `Jwo2', `Jwo3', `Jwo4' & `Jwo5', because they are derived from different aspects. If the result of calculation is not equal to `i', it means that great natural disaster or war would occur in year `y'. If the result is `i', it means `Unknown' or `Indeterminate'. The next formula should be used to detect whether there is great natural disaster or war would occur in the year. If the results of all the formulae are equal to `i', it means that there is no great natural disaster or war in the year because `i' stands for imaginary. The `Event' (E) would not appear in the real world.

John Wong use `Stem' (U) and `Root' (Z) to represent a period of time. The period of time can be one millennium, one century, one decade, one year, one month, one day, 2 hours, 10 minutes, 50 seconds or four and one-sixth seconds (approximately 4.17 seconds).

The combination of a `Stem' (U) and a `Root' (Z) is called a `Numer' which is expressed in the form of `UZ' or `Ln' which means a block `Letter' with a `number'.

The `Stems' (U) of time are denoted by block letters from `A' to `J'. The values of the `Stems' (U) are their alphabetical order.

Therefore, the values of `Stems' (U) are A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7, H=8, I=9 and J=10. Note that the values of `Stem' (U) are in modulus 10.

The `Roots' (Z) of time are denoted by Arabic numbers starting from `0' to `11'. The values of the `Roots' (Z) are their numerical values. Note that the values of `Root' (Z) are in modulus 12.

The combinations of `Stems' (U) and `Roots' (U) to form `Numers' are A0, B1, C2, D3, E4, F5, G6, H7, I8, J9, A10, B11, C0, D1, E2, ......, G8, H9, I10, J11. For example, the `Year Code' (YC) of A.D.1941 is `H5' and the `Year Code' (YC) of A.D.1950 is `G2'. `Xn' stands for `Unknown' if the time period cannot be determined.

Year Stem Formula for people in `y' B.C.: U=8-y (Mod 10).

Year Root Formula for people in `y' B.C.: Z=9-y (Mod 12).

Year Stem Formula for people in `y' A.D.: U=7+y (Mod 10).

Year Root Formula for people in `y' A.D.: Z=8+y (Mod 12).

`y' is the year in Gregorian calendar after `Joint of Year'. The `Joint of Year' is also called `Joint of February' or `Spring Start'. The `Joint of February' is the beginning of a new year. The date is usually on a day between 3rd to 5th of February. If the time is before `Joint of Year' in B.C., it is regarded as previous year. That is, the year is `y+1'. If the time is before `Joint of Year' in A.D., it is regarded as previous year. That is, the year is `y-1'.

John Wong's definition of functions are:

`&C[ ]' is a conditional function of an event such that the mathematical expression after the `:' sign must be operated if the event occurs (i.e. The conditional `&C[ ]' becomes true.).

`R[y/n]' is a remainder function such that it takes the remainder of `y' divided by `n'. `n' is a natural number. Note that zero is not a natural number. Natural numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...

`A[n]' is an approximated integer function such that it takes the nearest whole number of `n'.

`I[n]' is an integer function such that it takes the integral part of number `n' without rounding up the number.

`U=(Mod 10)' is a special modulated function such that the smallest value of it is 1 and the largest value of it is 10. If U>10 then `U' becomes `U-10' and if U<1 then `U' becomes `U+10'. Thus, the value range of `U=(Mod 10)' is from 1 to 10.

`Z=(Mod 12)' is a modulated function such that if Z>11 then `Z' becomes `Z-12' and if Z<0 then `Z' becomes `Z+12'. Thus, the value range of `Z=(Mod 12)' is from 0 to 11.

There are five Earth's Great Disaster Formulae (Jwo, Jwo2, Jwo3, Jwo4 & Jwo5) for year `y' in B.C. whereas `i' is an imaginary number which means `Unknown' or `Indeterminate'. The Earth's Great Disaster Formulae are:

Jwo={Jwo=3-3xR[y/10]+8xI[{R[y/10]}/2]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/3]-4xI[{R[y/10]}/4]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/5]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/6]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=9-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i]. This formula is derived from `Tor' meets `Opposite Zone' of `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo2={Jwo2=5-3xR[y/10]+8xI[{R[y/10]}/2]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/3]-4xI[{R[y/10]}/4]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/5]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/6]-8xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=9-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i]. This formula is derived from `Yeu' meets `Opposite Zone' of `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo3={Jwo3=10-R[y/10]-I[{R[y/10]}/2]+3xI[{R[y/10]}/4]+9xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Yeu=3-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i]. This formula is derived from `Yeu' meets `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo4={Jwo4=8-R[y/10]-I[{R[y/10]}/2]+3xI[{R[y/10]}/4]+9xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Tor=3-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i]. This formula is derived from `Tor' meets `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo5={Jwo5=8-y (Mod 10) & Z=9-y (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>2,10 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i]. This formula is derived from `Lfo', `Pik' or `Yng' meets `Year Root' (Z).

There are five Earth's Great Disaster Formulae (Jwo, Jwo2, Jwo3, Jwo4 & Jwo5) for year `y' in A.D. whereas `i' is an imaginary number which means `Unknown' or `Indeterminate'. The Earth's Great Disaster Formulae are:

Jwo={Jwo=3xR[y/10]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i]. This formula is derived from `Tor' meets `Opposite Zone' of `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo2={Jwo2=2+3xR[y/10]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i]. This formula is derived from `Yeu' meets `Opposite Zone' of `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo3={Jwo3=9+R[y/10]+I[{R[y/10]}/2]-3xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Yeu=2+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i]. This formula is derived from `Yeu' meets `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo4={Jwo4=7+R[y/10]+I[{R[y/10]}/2]-3xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Tor=2+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i]. This formula is derived from `Tor' meets `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo5={Jwo5=7+y (Mod 10) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i]. This formula is derived from `Lfo', `Pik' or `Yng' meets `Year Root' (Z).

Examples of determining whether there is great disaster on earth in a certain year are as follows.

Example I: When y=A.D.2012, U=I=9, Z=4.

When y=A.D.2012, subsitute y=2012 in the formula for year in A.D., Jwo={Jwo=3xR[y/10]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3xR[2012/10]+4xI[{R[2012/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[2012/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[2012/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[2012/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[2012/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+2012 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3x2+4xI[2/2]-2xI[2/3]+2xI[2/6]-2xI[2/7]+4xI[2/8] (Mod 12) & Z=2020 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=6+4xI[1]-2xI[0.666]+2xI[0.333]-2xI[0.285]+4xI[0.25] (Mod 12) & Z=2020-168x12}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=6+4x1-2x0+2x0-2x0+4x0 (Mod 12) & Z=4}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=10 (Mod 12) & Z=4}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=10 & Z=4}&C[Z1<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo=i. Since the value of `Jwo' is imaginary, the result means that this formula cannot determine whether A.D.2012 is a year of great disaster or not. The other formulae, Jwo2, Jwo3 & Jwo4, should be used to find out the result.

When y=A.D.2012, subsitute y=2012 in the formula for year in A.D., Jwo2={Jwo2=2+3xR[y/10]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2+3xR[2012/10]+4xI[{R[2012/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[2012/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[2012/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[2012/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[2012/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+2012 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2+3x2+4xI[2/2]-2xI[2/3]+2xI[2/6]-2xI[2/7]+4xI[2/8] (Mod 12) & Z=2020 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2+6+4xI[1]-2xI[0.666]+2xI[0.333]-2xI[0.285]+4xI[0.25] (Mod 12) & Z=2020-168x12}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=8+4x1-2x0+2x0-2x0+4x0 (Mod 12) & Z=4}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=12 (Mod 12) & Z=4}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=12-12 & Z=4}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=0 & Z=4}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2=i. Since the value of `Jwo2' is imaginary, the result means that this formula cannot determine whether A.D.2012 is a year of great disaster or not. The other formulae, Jwo3 & Jwo4, should be used to find out the result.

When y=A.D.2012, subsitute y=2012 in the formula for year in A.D., Jwo3={Jwo3=9+R[y/10]+I[{R[y/10]}/2]-3xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Yeu=2+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=9+R[2012/10]+I[{R[2012/10]}/2]-3xI[{R[2012/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Yeu=2+2012 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=9+2+I[2/2]-3xI[2/8] (Mod 12) & Yeu=2014 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=11+I[1]-3xI[0.25] (Mod 12) & Yeu=2014-167x12}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=11+1-3x0 (Mod 12) & Yeu=10}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=12 (Mod 12) & Yeu=10}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=12-12 & Yeu=10}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=0 & Yeu=10}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3=i. Since the value of `Jwo3' is imaginary, the result means that this formula cannot determine whether A.D.2012 is a year of great disaster or not. The last formulae, Jwo4, should be used to find out the result.

When y=A.D.2012, subsitute y=2012 in the formula for year in A.D., Jwo4={Jwo4=7+R[y/10]+I[{R[y/10]}/2]-3xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Tor=2+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=7+R[2012/10]+I[{R[2012/10]}/2]-3xI[{R[2012/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Tor=2+2012 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=7+2+I[2/2]-3xI[2/8] (Mod 12) & Tor=2014 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=9+I[1]-3xI[0.25] (Mod 12) & Tor=2014-167x12}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=9+1-3x0 (Mod 12) & Tor=10}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=10 (Mod 12) & Tor=10}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=10 & Tor=10}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4=Tor=10. A great undersea earthquake struck near the Indonesian province of Aceh in A.D.2012.

Example II: When y=A.D.1945, U=B=2, Z=9.

When y=A.D.1945, subsitute y=1945 in the formula for year in A.D., Jwo={Jwo=3xR[y/10]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3xR[1945/10]+4xI[{R[1945/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[1945/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[1945/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[1945/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[1945/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+1945 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3x5+4xI[5/2]-2xI[5/3]+2xI[5/6]-2xI[5/7]+4xI[5/8] (Mod 12) & Z=1953 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=15+4xI[2.5]-2xI[1.666]+2xI[0.833]-2xI[0.714]+4xI[0.625] (Mod 12) & Z=1953-162x12}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=15+4x2-2x1+2x0-2x0+4x0 (Mod 12) & Z=9}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=23 (Mod 12) & Z=9}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=23-12 & Z=9}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=9 & Z=9}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo=Z=9. This means that A.D.1945 is a year of great disaster on earth. In fact, atomic bombings were dropped to ruin Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan by the United States of America (U.S.A.) in A.D.1945.

Example III: When y=A.D.1976, U=C=3, Z=4.

When y=A.D.1976, subsitute y=1976 in the formula for year in A.D., Jwo={Jwo=3xR[y/10]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3xR[1976/10]+4xI[{R[1976/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[1976/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[1976/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[1976/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[1976/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+1976 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3x6+4xI[6/2]-2xI[6/3]+2xI[6/6]-2xI[6/7]+4xI[6/8] (Mod 12) & Z=1984 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=18+4xI[3]-2xI[2]+2xI[1]-2xI[0.8571]+4xI[0.75] (Mod 12) & Z=1984-165x12}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=18+4x3-2x2+2x1-2x0+4x0 (Mod 12) & Z=4}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=18+12-4+2-0+0 (Mod 12) & Z=4}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=28 (Mod 12) & Z=4}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=28-12x2 & Z=4}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=4 & Z=4}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo=Z=4. This means that A.D.1976 is a year of great disaster on earth. In fact, a great earthquake ruined Tangshan in China in A.D.1976.

Example IV: When y=A.D.2011, U=H=8, Z=3.

When y=A.D.2011, subsitute y=2011 in the formula for year in A.D., Jwo={Jwo=3xR[y/10]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3xR[2011/10]+4xI[{R[2011/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[2011/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[2011/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[2011/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[2011/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+2011 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3x1+4xI[1/2]-2xI[1/3]+2xI[1/6]-2xI[1/7]+4xI[1/8] (Mod 12) & Z=2019 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3x1+4xI[0.5]-2xI[0.3333]+2xI[0.1666]-2xI[0.1428]+4xI[0.125] (Mod 12) & Z=2019-168x12}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3+4x0-2x0+2x0-2x0+4x0 (Mod 12) & Z=3}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3 (Mod 12) & Z=3}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3 & Z=3}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo=Z=3. This means that A.D.2011 is a year of great disaster on earth. In fact, a great earthquake and tsunami occurred in Tohoku of Japan in A.D.2011.

Example V: When y=A.D.1941, U=H=8, Z=5.

When y=A.D.1941, subsitute y=1941 in the formula for year in A.D., Jwo2={Jwo2=2+3xR[y/10]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2+3xR[1941/10]+4xI[{R[1941/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[1941/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[1941/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[1941/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[1941/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+1941 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2+3x1+4xI[1/2]-2xI[1/3]+2xI[1/6]-2xI[1/7]+4xI[1/8] (Mod 12) & Z=1949 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2+3+4xI[0.5]-2xI[0.3333]+2xI[0.1666]-2xI[0.1428]+4xI[0.125] (Mod 12) & Z=1949-162x12}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2+3+4x0-2x0+2x0-2x0+4x0 (Mod 12) & Z=5}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=5 (Mod 12) & Z=5}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=5 & Z=5}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2=Z=5. This means that A.D.1941 is a year of great disaster on earth. In fact, invasion of Soviet Union (U.S.S.R) by Germany and the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan occurred in A.D.1941.

Example VI: When y=A.D.1950, U=G=7, Z=2.

When y=A.D.1950, subsitute y=1950 in the formula for year in A.D., Jwo2={Jwo2=2+3xR[y/10]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2+3xR[1950/10]+4xI[{R[1950/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[1950/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[1950/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[1950/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[1950/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+1950 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2+3x0+4xI[0/2]-2xI[0/3]+2xI[0/6]-2xI[0/7]+4xI[0/8] (Mod 12) & Z=1958 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2+4xI[0]-2xI[0]+2xI[0]-2xI[0]+4xI[0] (Mod 12) & Z=1958-163x12}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2+4x0-2x0+2x0-2x0+4x0 (Mod 12) & Z=2}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2 (Mod 12) & Z=2}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2 & Z=2}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2=Z=2. This means that A.D.1950 is a year of great disaster on earth. In fact, Korean War occurred in A.D.1950.

Example VII: When y=A.D.2004, U=A=1, Z=8.

When y=A.D.2004, subsitute y=2004 in the formula for year in A.D., Jwo2={Jwo2=2+3xR[y/10]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2+3xR[2004/10]+4xI[{R[2004/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[2004/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[2004/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[2004/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[2004/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+2004 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2+3x4+4xI[4/2]-2xI[4/3]+2xI[4/6]-2xI[4/7]+4xI[4/8] (Mod 12) & Z=2012 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=2+12+4xI[2]-2xI[1.3333]+2xI[0.6666]-2xI[0.5714]+4xI[0.5] (Mod 12) & Z=2012-167x12}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=14+4x2-2x1+2x0-2x0+4x0 (Mod 12) & Z=8}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=20 (Mod 12) & Z=8}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=20-12 & Z=8}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=8 & Z=8}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2=Z=8. This means that A.D.2004 is a year of great disaster on earth. In fact, Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami occurred in A.D.2004.

Example VIII: When y=A.D.79, U=F=6, Z=3.

When y=A.D.79, subsitute y=79 in the formula for year in A.D., Jwo5={Jwo5=7+y (Mod 10) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=7+79 (Mod 10) & Z=8+79 (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5 =i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=86 (Mod 10) & Z=87 (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=(86-8x10) & Z=87-7x12}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=6 & Z=3}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5=6 & Z=3.

Since `Jwo5=6' in the conditional of `&C[Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11]' is false, `Jwo5' is not equalt to `i'. This means that great natural disasters or war occur on earth are not imaginary. A.D.79 is a year of great natural disasters or war. In fact, eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Italy buried the town of Pompeii in A.D.79 and all inhabitants died.

Example IX: When y=A.D.2020, U=I=7, Z=0.

When y=A.D.2020, subsitute y=2020 in the formula for year in A.D., Jwo={Jwo=3xR[y/10]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3xR[2020/10]+4xI[{R[2020/10]}/2]-2xI[{R[2020/10]}/3]+2xI[{R[2020/10]}/6]-2xI[{R[2020/10]}/7]+4xI[{R[2020/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=8+2020 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3x0+4xI[0/2]-2xI[0/3]+2xI[0/6]-2xI[0/7]+4xI[0/8] (Mod 12) & Z=2028 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=0+4xI[0]-2xI[0]+2xI[0]-2xI[0]+4xI[0] (Mod 12) & Z=2028-169x12}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=0+4x0-2x0+2x0-2x0+4x0 (Mod 12) & Z=0}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=0 (Mod 12) & Z=0}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=0 & Z=0}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo=Z=0. Coronal virus (COVID-19) became pandemic in A.D.2020 and killed more than one million people.

Example X: When y=264B.C., U=D=4, Z=9.

When y=264B.C., subsitute y=264 in the formula for year in B.C., Jwo={Jwo=3-3xR[y/10]+8xI[{R[y/10]}/2]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/3]-4xI[{R[y/10]}/4]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/5]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/6]+4xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=9-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3-3xR[264/10]+8xI[{R[264/10]}/2]+2xI[{R[264/10]}/3]-4xI[{R[264/10]}/4]+2xI[{R[264/10]}/5]-2xI[{R[264/10]}/6]+4xI[{R[264/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=9-264 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=3-3x4+8xI[4/2]+2xI[4/3]-4xI[4/4]+2xI[4/5]-2xI[4/6]+4xI[4/8] (Mod 12) & Z=-255 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=-9+8xI[2]+2xI[1.3333]-4xI[1]+2xI[0.8]-2xI[0.6666]+4xI[0.5] (Mod 12) & Z=22x12-255}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=-9+8x2+2x1-4x1+2x0-2x0+4x0 (Mod 12) & Z=9}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=5 (Mod 12) & Z=9}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=5 & Z=9}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo=i. Since the value of `Jwo' is imaginary, the result means that this formula cannot determine whether 264B.C is a year of great disaster or not. The other formulae, Jwo2, Jwo3, Jwo4 & Jwo5, should be used to find out the result.

When y=264B.C., subsitute y=264 in the formula for year in B.C., Jwo2={Jwo2=5-3xR[y/10]+8xI[{R[y/10]}/2]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/3]-4xI[{R[y/10]}/4]+2xI[{R[y/10]}/5]-2xI[{R[y/10]}/6]-8xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=9-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=5-3xR[264/10]+8xI[{R[264/10]}/2]+2xI[{R[264/10]}/3]-4xI[{R[264/10]}/4]+2xI[{R[264/10]}/5]-2xI[{R[264/10]}/6]-8xI[{R[264/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Z=9-264 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=5-3x4+8xI[4/2]+2xI[4/3]-4xI[4/4]+2xI[4/5]-2xI[4/6]+4xI[4/8] (Mod 12) & Z=-255 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=-7+8xI[2]+2xI[1.3333]-4xI[1]+2xI[0.8]-2xI[0.6666]+4xI[0.5] (Mod 12) & Z=22x12-255}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=-7+8x2+2x1-4x1+2x0-2x0+4x0 (Mod 12) & Z=9}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=7 (Mod 12) & Z=9}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=7 & Z=9}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo2=i. Since the value of `Jwo2' is imaginary, the result means that this formula cannot determine whether 264B.C is a year of great disaster or not. The other formulae, Jwo3, Jwo4 & Jwo5, should be used to find out the result.

When y=264B.C., subsitute y=264 in the formula for year in B.C., Jwo3={Jwo3=10-R[y/10]-I[{R[y/10]}/2]+3xI[{R[y/10]}/4]+9xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Yeu=3-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=10-R[264/10]-I[{R[264/10]}/2]+3xI[{R[264/10]}/4]+9xI[{R[264/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Yeu=3-264 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=10-4-I[4/2]+3xI[4/4]+9xI[4/8] (Mod 12) & Yeu=-261 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=6-I[2]+3xI[1]+9xI[0.5] (Mod 12) & Yeu=22x12-261}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=6-2+3x2+9x0 (Mod 12) & Yeu=3}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=10 (Mod 12) & Yeu=3}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=10 & Yeu=3}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3=i. Since the value of `Jwo3' is imaginary, the result means that this formula cannot determine whether 264B.C is a year of great disaster or not. The other formulae, Jwo4 & Jwo5, should be used to find out the result.

When y=264B.C., subsitute y=264 in the formula for year in B.C., Jwo4={Jwo4=8-R[y/10]-I[{R[y/10]}/2]+3xI[{R[y/10]}/4]+9xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Tor=3-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=8-R[264/10]-I[{R[264/10]}/2]+3xI[{R[264/10]}/4]+9xI[{R[264/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Tor=3-264 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=8-4-I[4/2]+3xI[4/4]+9xI[4/8] (Mod 12) & Tor=-261 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=4-I[2]+3xI[1]+9xI[0.5] (Mod 12) & Tor=22x12-261}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=4-2+3x1+9x0 (Mod 12) & Tor=3}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=5 (Mod 12) & Tor=3}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=5 & Tor=3}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4=i. Since the value of `Jwo4' is imaginary, the result means that this formula cannot determine whether 264B.C is a year of great disaster or not. The last formulae, Jwo5, should be used to find out the result.

When y=264B.C., subsitute y=264 in the formula for year in B.C., Jwo5={Jwo5=8-y (Mod 10) & Z=9-y (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>2,10 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=8-264 (Mod 10) & Z=9-264 (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>2,10 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=-256 (Mod 10) & Z=-255 (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>2,10 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=26x10-256 & Z=22x12-255}&C[(Jwo5<>2,10 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=4 & Z=9}&C[(Jwo5<>2,10 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5=4 & Z=9.

Since `Z=9' in the conditional of `&C[Jwo5<>2,10 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11]' is false, `Jwo5' is not equalt to `i'. This means that great natural disasters or war occur on earth are not imaginary. 264B.C. is a year of great natural disasters or war. In fact, Carthage and Rome went to the First Punic War in 264B.C.

Example XI: When y=218B.C., U=J=10, Z=7.

When y=218B.C., subsitute y=218 in the formula for year in B.C., Jwo3={Jwo3=10-R[y/10]-I[{R[y/10]}/2]+3xI[{R[y/10]}/4]+9xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Yeu=3-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=10-R[218/10]-I[{R[218/10]}/2]+3xI[{R[218/10]}/4]+9xI[{R[218/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Yeu=3-218 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=10-8-I[8/2]+3xI[8/4]+9xI[8/8] (Mod 12) & Yeu=-215 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=2-I[4]+3xI[2]+9xI[1] (Mod 12) & Yeu=18x12-215}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=2-4+3x2+9x1 (Mod 12) & Yeu=1}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=13 (Mod 12) & Yeu=1}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=13-12 & Yeu=1}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=1 & Yeu=1}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3=Yeu=1. Carthage and Rome went to the Second Punic War in 218B.C.

Example XII: When y=149B.C., U=I=9, Z=4.

When y=149B.C., subsitute y=149 in the formula for year in B.C., Jwo4={Jwo4=8-R[y/10]-I[{R[y/10]}/2]+3xI[{R[y/10]}/4]+9xI[{R[y/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Tor=3-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=8-R[149/10]-I[{R[149/10]}/2]+3xI[{R[149/10]}/4]+9xI[{R[149/10]}/8] (Mod 12) & Tor=3-149 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=8-9-I[9/2]+3xI[9/4]+9xI[9/8] (Mod 12) & Tor=-146 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=-1-I[4.5]+3xI[2.25]+9xI[1.125] (Mod 12) & Tor=13x12-146}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=-1-4+3x2+9x1 (Mod 12) & Tor=10}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=10 (Mod 12) & Tor=10}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=10 & Tor=10}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4=Tor=10. Carthage and Rome went to the Third Punic War in 149B.C.

There are five Earth's Great Disaster Formulae (Jwo, Jwo2, Jwo3, Jwo4 & Jwo5) in terms of `U' for year `y' in B.C. whereas `i' is an imaginary number which means `Unknown' or `Indeterminate'. The Earth's Great Disaster Formulae are:

Jwo={Jwo=6+3xI[U/2]-5xI[U/3]-2xI[U/4]-I[U/5]+3xI[U/6]-5xI[U/7]+2xI[U/8]-I[U/10] (Mod 12) & Z=9-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i]. This formula is derived from `Tor' meets `Opposite Zone' of `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo2={Jwo2=8+3xI[U/2]-5xI[U/3]-2xI[U/4]-I[U/5]+3xI[U/6]-5xI[U/7]+2xI[U/8]-I[U/10] (Mod 12) & Z=9-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i]. This formula is derived from `Yeu' meets `Opposite Zone' of `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo3={Jwo3=2+U+I[U/3]-2xI[U/5]-I[U/6]+I[U/7]+2xI[U/10] (Mod 12) & Yeu=3-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i]. This formula is derived from `Yeu' meets `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo4={Jwo4=U+I[U/3]-2xI[U/5]-I[U/6]+I[U/7]+2xI[U/10] (Mod 12) & Tor=3-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i]. This formula is derived from `Tor' meets `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo5={Jwo5=U & Z=9-y (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i]. This formula is derived from `Lfo', `Pik' or `Yng' meets `Year Root' (Z).

There are five Earth's Great Disaster Formulae (Jwo, Jwo2, Jwo3, Jwo4 & Jwo5) in terms of `U' for year `y' in A.D. whereas `i' is an imaginary number which means `Unknown' or `Indeterminate'. The Earth's Great Disaster Formulae are:

Jwo={Jwo=6+3xI[U/2]-5xI[U/3]-2xI[U/4]-I[U/5]+3xI[U/6]-5xI[U/7]+2xI[U/8]-I[U/10] (Mod 12) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i]. This formula is derived from `Tor' meets `Opposite Zone' of `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo2={Jwo2=8+3xI[U/2]-5xI[U/3]-2xI[U/4]-I[U/5]+3xI[U/6]-5xI[U/7]+2xI[U/8]-I[U/10] (Mod 12) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i]. This formula is derived from `Yeu' meets `Opposite Zone' of `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo3={Jwo3=2+U+I[U/3]-2xI[U/5]-I[U/6]+I[U/7]+2xI[U/10] (Mod 12) & Yeu=2+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i]. This formula is derived from `Yeu' meets `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo4={Jwo4=U+I[U/3]-2xI[U/5]-I[U/6]+I[U/7]+2xI[U/10] (Mod 12) & Tor=2+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i]. This formula is derived from `Tor' meets `Year Root' (Z), or `Year Stem' (U) meets `Timeons' of `Sei', `Moo' or `Jut'.

Jwo5={Jwo5=U & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i]. This formula is derived from `Lfo', `Pik' or `Yng' meets `Year Root' (Z).

The formulae of `Jwo', `Jwo2', `Jwo3', `Jwo4' and `Jwo5' can be generalized to apply to other interval of time. For the year in B.C., find the `Stem' of the year first by `Year Stem Formula' for people in `y' B.C., U=8-y (Mod 10). Then, apply the general standard formula to find `Jwo', `Jwo2', `Jwo3', `Jwo4' and `Jwo5'. `U' is the `Stem' of any time interval. The time interval can be `Stem' of `Millennial Fortune', `Centennial Fortune', `Decade Fortune', `Small Fortune', `Year Fortune', `Month Fortune', `Day Fortune', `Hour Fortune', `Minute Fortune', `Second Fortune' and `Tiny Fortune'.

Examples of determining whether there great disaster on earth in a certain year are as follows.

Example I: If y=209B.C., apply `Year Stem Formula' (U) for `y' B.C. to find the stem of year. Note that the beginning of next year is at the `Joint of February' which means `Spring Start'. Usually, the date is between 3rd to 5th of February in every year.

Substitute y=209 in the formula, U=8-y (Mod 10). U=8-209 (Mod 10). U=-201 (Mod 10). U=21x10-201. U=9. Stem=U=I=9.

Next, apply `Year Root Formula' (Z) for `y' B.C. to find the root of year. Substitute y=209 in the formula, Z=9-y (Mod 12). Z=9-209 (Mod 12). Z=-200 (Mod 12). Z=17x12-200. Z=4. Root=Z=4. The `Year Code' of 209B.C. is `I4'.

When y=209B.C., subsitute U=9 and y=209 in the formula for year in B.C., Jwo={Jwo=6+3xI[U/2]-5xI[U/3]-2xI[U/4]-I[U/5]+3xI[U/6]-5xI[U/7]+2xI[U/8]-I[U/10] (Mod 12) & Z=9-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=6+3xI[9/2]-5xI[9/3]-2xI[9/4]-I[9/5]+3xI[9/6]-5xI[9/7]+2xI[9/8]-I[9/10] (Mod 12) & Z=9-209 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=6+3xI[4.5]-5xI[3]-2xI[2.25]-I[1.8]+3xI[1.5]-5xI[1.285]+2xI[1.125]-I[0.9] (Mod 12) & Z=-200 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=6+3x4-5x3-2x2-1+3x1-5x1+2x1-0 (Mod 12) & Z=17x12-200}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=-2 (Mod 12) & Z=4}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=12-2 & Z=4}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=10 & Z=4}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo=i. Since the value of `Jwo' is imaginary, the result means that this formula cannot determine whether 209B.C. is a year of great disaster or not. The other formulae, Jwo2, Jwo3,Jwo4 & Jwo5, should be used to find out the result.

When y=209B.C., subsitute U=9 and y=209 in the formula for year in B.C., Jwo2={Jwo2=8+3xI[U/2]-5xI[U/3]-2xI[U/4]-I[U/5]+3xI[U/6]-5xI[U/7]+2xI[U/8]-I[U/10] (Mod 12) & Z=9-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=8+3xI[9/2]-5xI[9/3]-2xI[9/4]-I[9/5]+3xI[9/6]-5xI[9/7]+2xI[9/8]-I[9/10] (Mod 12) & Z=9-209 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=8+3xI[4.5]-5xI[3]-2xI[2.25]-I[1.8]+3xI[1.5]-5xI[1.285]+2xI[1.125]-I[0.9] (Mod 12) & Z=9-209 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=8+3x4-5x3-2x2-1+3x1-5x1+2x1-0 (Mod 12) & Z=-200 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=0 (Mod 12) & Z=17x12-200}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2={Jwo2=0 & Z=4}&C[Jwo2<>Z:Jwo2=i].

Jwo2=i. Since the value of `Jwo2' is imaginary, the result means that this formula cannot determine whether 209B.C. is a year of great disaster or not. The other formulae, Jwo3,Jwo4 & Jwo5, should be used to find out the result.

When y=209B.C., subsitute U=9 and y=209 in the formula for year in B.C., Jwo3={Jwo3=2+U+I[U/3]-2xI[U/5]-I[U/6]+I[U/7]+2xI[U/10] (Mod 12) & Yeu=3-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=2+9+I[9/3]-2xI[9/5]-I[9/6]+I[9/7]+2xI[9/10] (Mod 12) & Yeu=3-209 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=11+I[3]-2xI[1.8]-I[1.5]+I[1.285]+2xI[0.9] (Mod 12) & Yeu=-206 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=11+3-2x1-1+1+2x0 (Mod 12) & Yeu=18x12-206}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=13 (Mod 12) & Yeu=10}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=13-12 & Yeu=10}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3={Jwo3=11 & Yeu=10}&C[Jwo3<>Yeu:Jwo3=i].

Jwo3=i. Since the value of `Jwo3' is imaginary, the result means that this formula cannot determine whether 209B.C. is a year of great disaster or not. The other formulae, Jwo4 & Jwo5, should be used to find out the result.

When y=209B.C., subsitute U=9 and y=209 in the formula for year in B.C., Jwo4={Jwo4=U+I[U/3]-2xI[U/5]-I[U/6]+I[U/7]+2xI[U/10] (Mod 12) & Tor=3-y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=9+I[9/3]-2xI[9/5]-I[9/6]+I[9/7]+2xI[9/10] (Mod 12) & Tor=3-209 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=9+I[3]-2xI[1.8]-I[1.5]+I[1.285]+2xI[0.9] (Mod 12) & Tor=-206 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=9+3-2x1-1+1+2x0 (Mod 12) & Tor=18x12-206}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=10 (Mod 12) & Tor=10}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4={Jwo4=10 & Tor=10}&C[Jwo4<>Tor:Jwo4=i].

Jwo4=Tor=10. This means that 209B.C. is a year of great disaster on earth. In fact, the Battle of Cartagena broke out in 209B.C. in the Second Punic War.

Example II: If y=780B.C., apply `Year Stem Formula' (U) for `y' B.C. to find the stem of year.

Substitute y=780 in the formula, U=8-y (Mod 10). U=8-780 (Mod 10). U=-772 (Mod 10). U=78x10-772. U=8. Stem=U=H=8.

Next, apply `Year Root Formula' (Z) for `y' B.C. to find the root of year. Substitute y=780 in the formula, Z=9-y (Mod 12). Z=9-780 (Mod 12). Z=-771 (Mod 12). Z=65x12-771. Z=9. The `Year Code' of 780B.C. is `H9'.

When y=780B.C., subsitute U=8 and y=780 in the formula for year in B.C., Jwo5={Jwo5=U & Z=9-y (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=8 & Z=9-780 (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=8 & Z=-771 (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=8 & Z=65x12-771}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=8 & Z=9}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5=8 & Z=9. Since `Jwo5=8' and `Z=9' in the conditional of `&C[Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11]' are false, neither `Jwo5=8' nor `Z=9' can cause `Jwo5=i'. This means that great natural disasters or war occur on earth are not imaginary in both cases. So, 780B.C. is a year of great natural disasters or war. The magnitude of great natural disasters or war is double the event which is caused by only one case to be not imaginary . In fact, a great earthquake occurred in 780B.C. in China, Shaanxi province.

Example III: If y=A.D.526, apply `Year Stem Formula' (U) for A.D.`y' to find the stem of year.

Substitute y=526 in the formula, U=7+y (Mod 10). U=7+526 (Mod 10). U=533 (Mod 10). U=533-53x10. U=3. U=C=3.

Next, apply `Year Root Formula' (Z) for A.D.`y' to find the root of year. Substitute y=526 in the formula, Z=8+y (Mod 12). Z=8+526 (Mod 12). Z=534 (Mod 12). Z=534-44x12. Z=6. The `Year Code' of A.D.526 is `C6'.

When y=A.D.526, subsitute U=3 and y=526 in the formula for year in A.D., Jwo={Jwo=6+3xI[U/2]-5xI[U/3]-2xI[U/4]-I[U/5]+3xI[U/6]-5xI[U/7]+2xI[U/8]-I[U/10] (Mod 12) & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=6+3xI[3/2]-5xI[3/3]-2xI[3/4]-I[3/5]+3xI[3/6]-5xI[3/7]+2xI[3/8]-I[3/10] (Mod 12) & Z=8+526 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=6+3xI[1.5]-5xI[3]-2xI[0.75]-I[0.6]+3xI[0.5]-5xI[0.428]+2xI[0.375]-I[0.3] (Mod 12) & Z=534 (Mod 12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=6+3x1-5x3-2x0-0+3x0-5x0+2x0-0 (Mod 12) & Z=534-44x12)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=-6 (Mod 12) & Z=6)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=12-6 & Z=6)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo={Jwo=6 & Z=6)}&C[Jwo<>Z:Jwo=i].

Jwo=Z=6. This means that A.D.526 is a year of great disaster on earth. In fact, a great earthquake hit Antioch in Syria region of Byzantine Empire in A.D.526 and 250,000 people died.

Example IV: If y=A.D.1453, apply `Year Stem Formula' (U) for `y' A.D. to find the stem of year.

Substitute y=1453 in the formula, U=7+y (Mod 10). U=7+1453 (Mod 10). U=1460 (Mod 10). U=1460-145x10. U=10. U=J=10.

Next, apply `Year Root Formula' (Z) for A.D.`y' to find the root of year. Substitute y=1453 in the formula, Z=8+y (Mod 12). Z=8+1453 (Mod 12). Z=1461 (Mod 12). Z=1461-121x12. Z=9. The `Year Code' of A.D.1453 is `J9'.

When y=A.D.1453, subsitute U=10 and y=1453 in the formula for year in A.D., Jwo5={Jwo5=U & Z=8+y (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=10 & Z=8+1453 (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=10 & Z=1461 (Mod 12)}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=10 & Z=1461-121x12}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5={Jwo5=10 & Z=9}&C[(Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11):Jwo5=i].

Jwo5=10 & Z=9. Since `Z=9' in the conditional of `&C[Jwo5<>6,8 & Z<>2,4,5,6,8,9,11]' is false, `Jwo5' is not equalt to `i'. This means that great natural disasters or war occur on earth are not imaginary. A.D.1453 is a year of great natural disasters or war. In fact, Ottoman Empire captured the capital of Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, on 29th May, A.D.1453. Many people were killed.

John Wong's Remarks on 31st December of A.D.2020:

1. In the present century (E0) from A.D.1954 to A.D.2053 and the next century (F1) from A.D.2054 to A.D.2153 are centuries of great natural disasters and wars on the earth. So, numerous great natural disasters and wars have been being appearing in these two centuries and World War III will destroy the earth in A.D.2054.

2. In the recent decade (C4) from A.D.1914 to A.D.1923, the decade (D5) from A.D.1924 to A.D.1933, the decade (E6) from A.D.1934 to A.D.1943 and the decade (F7) from A.D.1944 to A.D.1953, exactly 40 years of fierce wars occurred in the world. There is no deviation even for 1 day. World War I was broken out on Tuesday, 28th July of A.D.1914 and the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed on Monday, 27th July of A.D.1953. The decade (G8) from A.D.1954 to A.D.1963, the decade (H9) from A.D.1964 to A.D.1973, the decade (I10) from A.D.1974 to A.D.1983, the decade (J11) from A.D.1984 to A.D.1993, the decade (C2) from A.D.2014 to A.D.2023, the decade (E4) from A.D.2034 to A.D.2043, the decade (F5) from A.D.2044 to A.D.2053 and the decade (G6) from A.D.2054 to A.D.2063 are decades of great natural disasters and wars on the earth. So, numerous great natural disasters and wars have been being occurring in these decades. World War I & World War II also appeared in these decades. Nuclear weapons will start to be launched to ruin the earth in A.D.2047 in World War III and the earth will be destroyed in A.D.2054 because of the centennial `Numer' (F1) from A.D.2054 to A.D.2153.

3. In the years of A.D.1914 (A2), A.D.1916 (C4), A.D.1917 (D5), A.D.1918 (E6), A.D.1919 (F7), A.D.1920 (G8), A.D.1921 (H9), A.D.1922 (I10), A.D.1923 (J11), A.D.1926 (C2), A.D.1928 (E4), A.D.1929 (F5), A.D.1930 (G6), A.D.1931 (H7), A.D.1932 (I8), A.D.1933 (J9), A.D.1935 (B11), A.D.1936 (C0), A.D.1937 (D1), A.D.1938 (E2), A.D.1939 (F3), A.D.1940 (G4), A.D.1941 (H5), A.D.1942 (I6), A.D.1943 (J7), A.D.1944 (A8), A.D.1945 (B9), A.D.1946 (C10), A.D.1947 (D11), A.D.1948 (E0), A.D.1949 (F1), A.D.1950 (G2), A.D.1951 (H3), A.D.1952 (I4), A.D.1953 (J5), A.D.1954 (A6), A.D.1956 (C8), A.D.1957 (D9), A.D.1958 (E10), A.D.1959 (F11), A.D.1960 (G0), A.D.1961 (H1), A.D.1962 (I2), A.D.1964 (A4), A.D.1965 (B5), A.D.1966 (C6), A.D.1967 (D7), A.D.1968 (E8), A.D.1969 (F9), A.D.1971 (H11), A.D.1972 (I0), A.D.1973 (J1), A.D.1974 (A2), A.D.1976 (C4), A.D.1977 (D5), A.D.1978 (E6), A.D.1979 (F7), A.D.1980 (G8), A.D.1981 (H9), A.D.1982 (I10), A.D.1983 (J11), A.D.1986 (C2), A.D.1988 (E4), A.D.1989 (F5), A.D.1990 (G6), A.D.1991 (H7), A.D.1992 (I8), A.D.1993 (J9), A.D.1995 (B11), A.D.1996 (C0), A.D.1997 (D1), A.D.1998 (E2), A.D.1999 (F3), A.D.2000 (G4), A.D.2001 (H5), A.D.2002 (I6), A.D.2003 (J7), A.D.2004 (A8), A.D.2005 (B9), A.D.2006 (C10), A.D.2007 (D11), A.D.2008 (E0), A.D.2009 (F1), A.D.2010 (G2), A.D.2011 (H3), A.D.2012 (I4), A.D.2013 (J5), A.D.2014 (A6), A.D.2017 (D9), A.D.2018 (E10), A.D.2019 (F11), A.D.2020 (G0), A.D.2021 (H1), A.D.2022 (I2), A.D.2024 (A4), A.D.2025 (B5), A.D.2026 (C6), A.D.2027 (D7), A.D.2028 (E8), A.D.2029 (F9), A.D.2031 (H11), A.D.2032 (I0), A.D.2033 (J1), A.D.2034 (A2), A.D.2036 (C4), A.D.2037 (D5), A.D.2038 (E6), A.D.2039 (F7), A.D.2040 (G8), A.D.2041 (H9), A.D.2042 (I10), A.D.2043 (J11), A.D.2046 (C2), A.D.2048 (E4), A.D.2049 (F5), A.D.2050 (G6), A.D.2051 (H7), A.D.2052 (I8), A.D.2053 (J9) and A.D.2055 (B11) are years of great natural disasters and wars on the earth. So, numerous great natural disasters and wars have been being appearing in these years.The world will be unsafe starting from A.D.2034 because of `Decade Numer' (E4) from A.D.2034 to A.,D.2043 and World War III will start in A.D.2044 because of `Decade Numer' (F5) from A.D.2044 to A.,D.2053. Nuclear weapons will start to be launched to ruin the earth in A.D.2047. At last, World War III will destroy the whole world in A.D.2054. All these will occur so fiercely because the present century (E0) from A.D.1954 to A.D.2053 and the next century (F1) from A.D.2054 to A.D.2153 are centuries of great natural disasters and wars on the earth. Hence, the magnitude of great natural disasters and wars in these two centuries have been mulipied expotentially.

4. This is the first time that mankind (John Wong) has used mathematical formulae to connect the occurrence of the Earth's natural disasters and large-scale wars. Since the year code of the Earth's fortune in A.D.2018 is `E10', the year code of the Earth's fortune in A.D.2019 is `F11', the year code of the Earth's fortune in A.D.2020 is `G0', the year code of the Earth's fortune in A.D.2021 is `H1' and the year code of the Earth's fortune in A.D.2022 is `A2', from A.D.2018 to A.D.2022 are the years when the Earth encounters natural disasters or large-scale wars. It is only in A.D.2023 that the Earth's fortune can get out of the dangerous zone. Since the President of the United States, Donald Trump, launched a `Trade War' against China in A.D.2018, the world's disaster has begun. The new type of coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) that appeared in A.D.2019 and ravaged the world in A.D.2020 and killed more than one million people is a catastrophe designated by heaven. This is Jehovah God's will and mankind cannot avoid it. On 31st December of 2020, John Wong scientifically predicted that the new type of coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) will continue to wreak havoc on the world in A.D.2021 and A.D.2022. The crisis of large-scale wars is everywhere in A.D.2021 and A.D.2022 but the world can return to stability in A.D.2023. Although mankind cannot avoid the ravages of natural disasters, Mr. Presidents and the Prime Ministers, you can use your heart to avoid man-made disasters that erupt in large-scale wars. It all depends on your one-hearted decision to destroy everything in the war or coexist peacefully. Can you manage to do it well in A.D.2021 and A.D.2022?

.........(For more).........

Free content of essays for further reading on the following websites:

1.John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (JWUBPS) Post Doctoral Degree Course website:

2.John Wong's Institute of Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (JWIPT&FM) Post Doctoral Degree Course website:

3.John Wong's Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM) website:

4.Theme: How to predict Earth's great natural disaster or war?:

5.The Mystery of Holy Bible: The World of Jehovah God:

6.The Mystery of Holy Bible: Revelation and Apocalypse:

7.John Wong's Thesis to the Shaw Prize Secretariat (Mathematics): How to clear up Biblical Puzzles and understand the Destiny of the World by Mathematics?:

8.Theme: To find the dates of Second Coming of Jesus Christ and beginning of Millennium Kingdom:

9.Theme: Jehovah God's Seven Golden Rules:

10.Theme: The Ultimate War in the Universe:

11.Theme: How nuclear explosions are related to nuclear war in A.D.2047 and destruction of the Earth in A.D.2054?:

12.Theme: Why did twins Jessie Presley die but Elvis Presley alive?:

13.The Mystery of Holy Bible:

14.Juvenile John Wong's Album:

15.John Wong's Theory of Material and Non-material (Conservation of Energy & Relative Mass):

16.Evangelizing website of John Wong on Carousell:

John Wong's marvellous book & wonderful technology: The Mystery of The Holy Bible, 1979 1st Ed. Contact e-mail: Islam Public State will become the 8th superpower of the universe and rule one-fourth of the population in the world from A.D.2047 to A.D.2054. John Wong's The End Formulae of The Universe

John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (Post Doctoral degree course)
How nuclear explosions are related to nuclear war in A.D.2047 and destruction of the Earth in A.D.2054?
Jehovah God's Seven Golden Rules
Ezekiel's Ultimate War in the Universe

John Wong's Institute of Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM)
World's Longest Chinese Poem of Single Rhythm with 7 Words in a Verse Line: My Family
Research on `Golden Jubilee Creation of The Universe'
The Mystery of Holy Bible, Author: John Wong, 1st edition 1979.'

John Wong's Cyber Castle of `Prediction Technology & MatheLogical Ascertainment of Events (PTMAE)'
The Cyber Castle of MatheLogical Ascertainment of Events
John Wong's Cyber Castle of MatheLogical Ascertainment of Events

Cherry Wong's Arts Gallery of Kid's Paintings and Drawings
Angel Wong's paintings & drawings
Franky Wong's paintings & drawings
Cherry Wong's Fashion Design & Comments

Chinese Children's Riddle Square Intercom Studio of Studies for Special Education Challenge yourself: Information Arena

John Wong's research on The Prophecies of The Holy Bible (Junior Level)
John Wong's Cyber Castle of `THE BIBLE PUZZLES' (Intermediate Level)
Faculty of Mathematical Prophecies in Scripture for Senior Experts (Advanced Level): The Sealed Books of Revelation & Dainel
John Wong's Cyber Castle of Kindergarten (Free Chinese Education).
Hong Kong Special Education Activity Centre (HKSEAC)
John Wong's Cyber Castle of Special Education (Free Chinese Education).
Hong Kong Special Education Activity Centre (HKSEAC) Wong's The End Formulae of The Universe: 445B.C.+(70x7)x5+7x7��A.D.2054 & 445B.C.+50x49+7x7��A.D.2054 Jesus will come.

John Wong's Cyber Castle of Arts: Poems & Paintings
John Wong's Investigation on `The principle of Life & Death'